VerticaDayTimeInterval data added through constructor is displayed incorrectly


Please point out if others are not seeing this issue and I am doing something wrong.


I added a row containing VerticaDayTimeInterval thourgh java program, but the fractional part was incorrect in table.


dayInt = new VerticaDayTimeInterval(10, 10, 01, 8, 2, 1, false) ; ((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(1, dayInt) ; pstmt.addBatch() ; System.out.println(dayInt.toString());
dayInt = new VerticaDayTimeInterval(10, 10, 02, 7, 3, 2, false) ; ((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(1, dayInt) ; pstmt.addBatch() ; System.out.println(dayInt.toString());
dayInt = new VerticaDayTimeInterval(10, 10, 03, 6, 43, 3, false) ; ((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(1, dayInt) ; pstmt.addBatch() ; System.out.println(dayInt.toString());

sysout output


10 10:01:08.2
10 10:02:07.03
10 10:03:06.043


table ouput


10 10:01:08.000002
10 10:02:07.000003
10 10:03:06.000043


And on retrieval it is printed as

System.out.println(x + ". " + rs.getString(1) );
VerticaDayTimeInterval dti = (VerticaDayTimeInterval)(rs.getObject(1));
System.out.println(dti.toString()+" frac "+dti.getFraction()+" precision "+dti.getPrecision());



1. 10 10:01:08.200000
10 10:01:08.200000 frac 200000 precision 6
2. 10 10:02:07.300000
10 10:02:07.300000 frac 300000 precision 6
3. 10 10:03:06.430000 8-07
10 10:03:06.430000 frac 430000 precision 6

Somehow it has precision of 6, this also happens if table was added though setString in PrepareStatement.



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