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Check connectivity of private network — Vertica Forum

Check connectivity of private network



i've installed a 3 node cluster of Vertica (community edition).

I would to know if the cluster is correctly working on private network.

The nodes (hp Blade) have two network interface, one is private network and other is public network where server application connect to it.

We have launched the installation script with the following parameters:


/opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts VERT1BE01,VERT1BE02,VERT1BE03 -u dbadmin -p dbadmin --rpm /tmp/vertica/vertica-7.1.2-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm --dba-user dbadmin -p *********** --data-dir /opt/databases/dbadmin --dba-user-home /opt/databases/dbadmin --ssh-identity /root/.ssh/vid_rsa --control-network



  • 100.7.255 is the broadcast of the private interface
  • VERT1BE01,VERT1BE02,VERT1BE03 are hostname of nodes defined in /etc/hosts file with ip of production interface


Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,


    in the -s option you need to put the IP or host name for the PRIVATE INTERFACE. The public interface is the IP that you give the customers or tools to connect to Vertica. Does make sense?


    You can validate if the network is fine by running /opt/vertica/bin/vnetperf. You can see details about this tool in teh documentation.



    Hope this helps,



  • Hi,


    with the command:


    [dbadmin@VERT1BE01 ~]$ /opt/vertica/bin/vnetperf

    The maximum recommended rtt latency is 2 milliseconds. The ideal rtt latency is 200 microseconds or less. It is recommended that clock skew be kept to under 1 second.
    test | date | node | index | rtt latency (us) | clock skew (us)
    latency | 2015-08-06_13:59:44,447 | | 0 | 23 | 1
    latency | 2015-08-06_13:59:44,447 | | 1 | 62 | -122
    latency | 2015-08-06_13:59:44,447 | | 2 | 87 | 508

    The minimum recommended throughput is 100 MB/s. Ideal throughput is 800 MB/s or more. Note: UDP numbers may be lower, multiple network switches may reduce performance results.
    date | test | rate limit (MB/s) | node | MB/s (sent) | MB/s (rec) | bytes (sent) | bytes (rec) | duration (s)
    2015-08-06_13:59:44,448 | udp-throughput | 32 | | 30.5479 | 30.5479 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00048
    2015-08-06_13:59:44,448 | udp-throughput | 32 | | 30.5438 | 30.5438 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00061
    2015-08-06_13:59:44,448 | udp-throughput | 32 | | 30.5454 | 30.5454 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00056
    2015-08-06_13:59:44,448 | udp-throughput | 32 | average | 30.5457 | 30.5457 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00055
    2015-08-06_13:59:45,449 | udp-throughput | 64 | | 61.0558 | 61.0871 | 64061440 | 64094208 | 1.00062
    2015-08-06_13:59:45,449 | udp-throughput | 64 | | 61.0588 | 61.0588 | 64061440 | 64061440 | 1.00057
    2015-08-06_13:59:45,449 | udp-throughput | 64 | | 61.065 | 61.0338 | 64061440 | 64028672 | 1.00047
    2015-08-06_13:59:45,449 | udp-throughput | 64 | average | 61.0599 | 61.0599 | 64061440 | 64061440 | 1.00055
    2015-08-06_13:59:46,450 | udp-throughput | 128 | | 122.098 | 122.098 | 128057344 | 128057344 | 1.00022


     if i launch on private network i have this:


    [dbadmin@VERT1BE01 ~]$ /opt/vertica/bin/vnetperf --condense -hosts,,



    The maximum recommended rtt latency is 2 milliseconds. The ideal rtt latency is 200 microseconds or less. It is recommended that clock skew be kept to under 1 second.
    test | date | node | index | rtt latency (us) | clock skew (us)
    latency | 2015-08-06_14:06:36,282 | | 0 | 25 | 2
    latency | 2015-08-06_14:06:36,282 | | 1 | 73 | -621
    latency | 2015-08-06_14:06:36,282 | | 2 | 81 | 691

    The minimum recommended throughput is 100 MB/s. Ideal throughput is 800 MB/s or more. Note: UDP numbers may be lower, multiple network switches may reduce performance results.
    date | test | rate limit (MB/s) | node | MB/s (sent) | MB/s (rec) | bytes (sent) | bytes (rec) | duration (s)
    2015-08-06_14:06:36,283 | udp-throughput | 32 | | 30.5479 | 30.5479 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00048
    2015-08-06_14:06:36,283 | udp-throughput | 32 | | 30.5458 | 30.5458 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00055
    2015-08-06_14:06:36,283 | udp-throughput | 32 | | 30.5459 | 30.5459 | 32047104 | 32047104 | 1.00055


    So how can i sure that cluster is comunicating with nodes on the private network?





  • Hi Flippo,


    You asked:


    "So how can i sure that cluster is comunicating with nodes on the private network?"


    To see which one uses vertica you need to see which one uses spread. So do


    select * from nodes;


    and the address that the nodes have is the one that spread uses. Check there if the IP is the private. If not you need to change it and that is something that Tech Support can help you. The Private should be in a vlan to move only the traffic from the nodes. Does this make sense?


    Please let me know,



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