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Copy command fails with no files match: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokePlanUDL(): — Vertica Forum

Copy command fails with no files match: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokePlanUDL():



I am trying to copy data from WebHDFS location into vertica using the COPY command of vertica and using the WebHDFS connector package.


Some of my copies are failing with the error:


2015-10-02 09:00:49.774 Init Session:0x7f19843f7a00-a000000015749e [EE] <INFO> Trying to set up a new UDx side process
2015-10-02 09:00:49.809 Init Session:0x7f19843f7a00-a000000015749e <ERROR> @v_bigfoot_node0001: VP001/3399: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokePlanUDL(): Error calling planUDL() in User Defined Object [Hdfs] at [src/Hdfs.cpp:710], error code: 0, message: No files match [*]
LOCATION: performUDxCall, /scratch_a/release/30493/vbuild/vertica/EE/EEUtil/UDxFenceSupport.cpp:429
2015-10-02 09:00:49.839 Init Session:0x7f19843f7a00-a000000015749e <LOG> @v_bigfoot_node0001: 08006/5167: Unexpected EOF on client connection
2015-10-02 09:00:49.839 Init Session:0x7f19843f7a00-a000000015749e <LOG> @v_bigfoot_node0001: 00000/4719: Session prod-fdpanalytics-v-9197:0xb2ef ended; closing connection (connCnt 12)

2015-10-02 09:00:49.840 Init Session:0x7f19843f7a00-a000000015749e [Txn] <INFO> Rollback Txn: a000000015749e 'COPY b_test.b_scp_ekl__la_runsheet_tasklist_fact_tmp_38386 SOURCE Hdfs(url='*',username='fk-bigfoot-azkaban', connection_timeout=9999999,low_speed_time=9999999 ,low_speed_limit=0 ) parser fjsonparser() DIRECT'


I checked the hdfs location using op=LISTSTATUS and op=GETCONTENTSUMMARY. I could see data being present in those locations.


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