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ExternalSource() from shell_load_package - problems streaming — Vertica Forum

ExternalSource() from shell_load_package - problems streaming



I'm trying to do some preprocessing on a dataset before inserting it in to a table.


I create a table with 40 columns of varchar(512), named f1 -> f40


I'm executing:


COPY test SOURCE ExternalSource(cmd='/home/dbadmin/bin/test.py', nodes='v_test_node0001') record terminator E'\n' delimiter E'\t';


This script fails:


import os, sys, json
f = open('/home/dbadmin/ugly_dataset.json','r')
for line in f:
imp = json.loads(line.decode('latin-1').encode('utf-8'))
msg = imp['message'].split('|:|')
out = '\t'.join(msg)

print out

It will insert around 400-500 rows of 900k.


This script succeeds:


import os, sys, json
r = []
f = open('/home/dbadmin/bin/2015-09-28-23_5','r')
for line in f:
imp = json.loads(line.decode('latin-1').encode('utf-8'))
msg = imp['message'].split('|:|')
out = '\t'.join(msg)


print '\n'.join(r)

The difference being, the script that succeeds is buffering all of the data in memory before printing to stdout.  But this isn't a real solution for me - I won't have enough memory to buffer the real datasets I have in mind.


I have tried moving the workload to a series of pipes in bash with sed/awk and have had similar results.


Is there a right way of using ExternalSource() to stream a dataset?



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