Vertica v6.1.0-0: server closed the connection unexpectedly

Hi All,

I'm writing a script to export data from our vertica cluster.

The command I'm using is:


vsql MY_DB_NAME -At -F$'\t' -o /data/vertica_archive/MY_DATA_2015_07_01.tsv  -c "select * from DATA_TABLE where ts_date ='2015-07-01';"

Sporadically resulting with:

server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
connection to server was lost


All of our queries are simple "select * from TABLE where ts_date=DATE", but some of the queries resultset will generate a 10GB files.

Is there any exit code documentation or can any one suggest how to debug?



  • Update:

    opening vsql and leaving it open for some time also drops the connection:

    server closed the connection unexpectedly
    This probably means the server terminated abnormally
    before or while processing the request.
    The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.


  •  Connect to your Vertica Db nd run the following :



    - post the output.


  • Hi Adrian,

    the result of your query is:

    name | setting
    runtimecap | UNLIMITED
    (1 row)


  •  I guess you are nt locally connected .

    So there must be some network timeout or some local host session timeout.

  • I execute the vsql command locally.


    The step that I take:

    1. ssh myUser@myDbHost
    2. vsql mydb -c "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE tsdata='2014-08-11' ;"


  •  Can you check your pool definition of Runtime Cap and also look for any lock on that table while running the query , if any locks will be present then the Queue timeout will be applyed. 

    Also check your  table error_messages table. (this might give you an idea of why your session dies)

    select * from error_messages where 
    user_name = 'your user'
    order by event_timestamp desc


    Another thing you might wanna look into is the tcp_keepalive_time Linux parameter.  Maybe this is causing the ssh connection ot be cut off. Lower the default value of it of 7200 to maybe something like 900. 


    echo 900> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time 


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