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Vertica remote access — Vertica Forum

Vertica remote access


I have problem to access to Vertica server from other hosts. It's the same problem when try to access locally by FQDN over vsql.

This working fine:

vsql -h localhost -p 5433 -U dbadmin -w dbadmin -d opsadb 


Same host, just connection by FQDN:

vsql -h vmvertica.domain.loc -p 5433 -U dbadmin -w dbadmin -d opsadb

vsql: FATAL 2248:  Authentication failed for username "dbadmin"


Other informations:

[dbadmin@vmvertica config]$ admintools -t list_allnodes
Node | Host | State | Version | DB
v_opsadb_node0001 | | UP | vertica- | opsadb


[dbadmin@vmvertica config]$ admintools -t view_cluster
DB | Host | State
opsadb | ALL | UP


opsadb=> select * from vs_subnets;
oid | name | schema | subnet | address_family
(0 rows)


opsadb=> select * from vs_network_interfaces;
oid | name | schema | node | address | address_family
45035996273846194 | eth0 | 0 | 45035996273704980 | | ipv4



opsadb=> select * from network_interfaces;
node_id | node_name | interface | ip_address_family | ip_address | subnet | mask | broadcast_address
45035996273704980 | v_opsadb_node0001 | lo | ipv4 | | | |
45035996273704980 | v_opsadb_node0001 | eth0 | ipv4 | | | |
45035996273704980 | v_opsadb_node0001 | lo | ipv6 | ::1 | ::1 | ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff |
45035996273704980 | v_opsadb_node0001 | eth0 | ipv6 | dea0::60a:25ff:b854:1d22 | 1e80:: | ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::


Firewall is down, port 5433 can be reached from other servers. Vertica database has single node.


last_port = 5433
tmp_dir = /tmp
default_base = /home/dbadmin
format = 3
install_opts = -u dbadmin -g verticadba -p '***' -d /opt/vertica/opsa_data -L CE -s '' -Y --failure-threshold NONE
spreadlog = False
controlsubnet = default
controlmode = broadcast

hosts =

node0001 =,/opt/vertica/opsa_data,/opt/vertica/opsa_data
v_opsadb_node0001 =,/opt/vertica/opsa_data,/opt/vertica/opsa_data

restartpolicy = ksafe
port = 5433
path = /opt/vertica/opsa_data/opsadb/v_opsadb_node0001_catalog
nodes = v_opsadb_node0001


Any idea how to enable remote access on Vertica server?


  • Try to ping vmvertica.domain.loc.


    You have a missconfiguraiton in your admintools.conf file.


    As your host is 

    hosts =


    And you node is in -

    v_opsadb_node0001 =,/opt/vertica/opsa_data,/opt/vertica/opsa_data


    This does not look good. 


    1 - Try 

    vsql -h -p 5433 -U dbadmin -w dbadmin -d opsadb


    2 - Don`t use default localhost ip in your Vertica installation.


    3 - Make sure you configure your hostname resolution see link here 


  • Hi Adrian,

    thank you for your aswer. My comments are below.


    Try to ping vmvertica.domain.loc. <-- Working fine

    You have a missconfiguraiton in your admintools.conf file.

    And you node is in -

    v_opsadb_node0001 =,/opt/vertica/opsa_data,/opt/vertica/opsa_data <-- Tried, not working, cannot start database

    1 - Try
    vsql -h -p 5433 -U dbadmin -w dbadmin -d opsadb <-- Tried, not working either IP or hostname

    2 - Don`t use default localhost ip in your Vertica installation.<-- This option doesn't exist in case of customized installation

    3 - Make sure you configure your hostname resolution see link<-- Added, not working


    I have followed same logic as you suggest.. no help. After Vertica was reinstalled, everything is working now.

  •  That is great then, it must be that you have done the hostname resolution after the first install and on the second install everything worked well :) , maybe ! 

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