Table <-> Storage Location
Hi All,
I have a storage location which I'd like to retire and then drop.
- How can I findout/show which table is using this storage location?
- I've read in the documentation that a storage location should first be retired, then dropped.
Can anynone comment on important things to check/do before retiring/dropping it?
Hi ,
First check you storage loactions:
- and make sure you have them all labeld.
Next query the storage_containers table for any projecitons stored in that storage location:
Or you can check the storage_policies table for any in place policies :
If you have objects that are still that storage you need to move them to another storage locaiton:
After you move all of your tables to a different locaiton you need ot change the type of the storage:
And finally you can drop the location:
Next see if the storage is still in your storage_locations table:
hope this helps.
You cannot retire a location if is the only storage location available.
When running retire location the data contained will be moved by Vertica using mergeouts.
Even if you don`t see any storage_containers under the label of your storage some data will be there(don`t know why), the retire location will make sure to move all of it to the default storage location and then you can drop it.