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Help copying the Database to Another Cluster — Vertica Forum

Help copying the Database to Another Cluster

Hi all,


We have two 10 nodes Vertica environments (version 7.1.1-10). One is production and the other one is for DR.
I want to duplicate the production environment to the DR site.
The DR site was our DEV site, in time the environment became not updated any more (data and structure).


I know there are several ways, what do you think about those two ways:
1. CopyCluser, using vbr.py utility.
2. copy_vertica_database.sh script.

Can anyone recommend on one way than another?
What are the different between those two ways? What is better?


We have differences between the names of the nodes in the two environments (prod environment: node-a1, node-a2, node-a3…. And in the DR environment: node-b1, node-b2, node-b3…), I know it's a problem for the CopyCluster, right?
And I don't know if it is a problem, but we have dbadmin user in booth environment but with a different password, it can be a problem?


Thanks for your help :)


  • Hi,


    Copy the database using backup (CopyCluster) requires the same node names.

    "The cluster to which you are restoring the backup has the same number of hosts as the one used to create the backup. The node names and the IP addresses must also be identical"


    If you have dbadmin access you can simply create connection between 2 clusters using CONNECT TO VERTICA statement and then recreate all objects and populate with data using COPY FROM VERTICA.


    You can also export data to flat file and then import on another cluster.

  • Vbr copycluster is recomended over the other script (it's for older databases). However you have to have DR site created with same number of nodes, dbname, node names, and dbadmin user/password (IP addresses can vary). Also DR site should be down during the operation.


    The other option FilipNowicki point out doesn't have any of the above limitations. You can find more info in the documentation under the title "copying and exporting data". However this is slower than copycluster, doesn't do incremental copies and requires schemas/tables created in the DR site.


    There is a better DR solution available in 7.2.x, only thing you have to have is same number of nodes, everything else can vary (dbname, node names, users, etc.).

    Find my comment here (https://community.dev.hpe.com/t5/Vertica-Forum/how-to-synchronize-tables-between-clusters/m-p/233924#M11334) for more details.



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