I want to format the numbers in financial format like in thousands in vsql
I guess this is what you are looking for:
select to_char(1096,'L9G999G999G999G999D99')
-where L is the currency sign and G is the group separetor and D is the decimal.
Many Thanks Adrian_Oprea_1
Here is the official documentation on this use case.
This will give you more details
Thanks for this, but do you have document or url for create Pattern like 'L9G999G999G999G999D99'
Thanks once again!. Adrian_Oprea_1
just gave it to you
I guess this is what you are looking for:
-where L is the currency sign and G is the group separetor and D is the decimal.
Many Thanks Adrian_Oprea_1
Here is the official documentation on this use case.
This will give you more details
Thanks for this, but do you have document or url for create Pattern like 'L9G999G999G999G999D99'
Thanks once again!. Adrian_Oprea_1
just gave it to you