Vertica Cluster Q

Hi, I would to know more how vertica cluster work.

a) Do I need to have a connection load balancer in front of vertica cluster?

b) If I submit a select query to node 1, will the query run over the other Node 2, 3.. nth

c) If do a bulk copy on Node 1, it will only using Node 1 resources to perform the load ?

d) Any documentation or paper I can refer how the vertica cluster work ?



KH. Chan




    a) Do I need to have a connection load balancer in front of vertica cluster?

    - Vertica has native load balancer buildin , it comes disabled by default, you will have to enable it and also your client (ODBC prop).

    - You can also put a LB in front of Vertica(maybe a better idea), why a better idea? - Vertica LB is Round robin so if any node is down he won't avoind the down node so some connections will fail :(.


    b) If I submit a select query to node 1, will the query run over the other Node 2, 3.. nth

    Yes , that is the idea, but you need to have your projections in place allover your nodes.


    c) If do a bulk copy on Node 1, it will only using Node 1 resources to perform the load ?

     Depends on the copy options


    d) Any documentation or paper I can refer how the vertica cluster work ?

     This is the official doc

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