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Important Upgrade and Installation Notice for 7.2.x — Vertica Forum

Important Upgrade and Installation Notice for 7.2.x

HP Vertica Users,


In our 7.2.0 release we added a new package dependency that we want to make sure you are fully aware of and doesn't slow down your install/upgrade process. Before installing or upgrading, please make sure that dialog is installed on all of your machines. dialog is required for interactivity with Administration Tools.


Use the following script to install the dialog package on each of your hosts:



HOST_LIST="zz30 zz31 zz32 zz33"

for iHost in $HOST_LIST
echo "Installing on host $iHost"
ssh -tt $iHost "sudo yum install -y dialog "
#ssh -tt $iHost "sudo apt-get install -y dialog "
echo "Status = $?"


If you have any questions please let us know.





For more information about HP Vertica package dependencies, please see the following link.





  •  The Server is not avaialble for download on the site ! 

    In Marketplace as well ! 

      They are all 7.1.2 

  • Hi Adrian_Oprea_1,


    When I logged into the community edition download page I was able to download the 7.2.0 packages without any problems. Are you still not seeing the 7.2.0 packages on the community edition page?


    Please let me know if this is still causing you issues.




  • Hi Casey,


     I can see the name of the link as 7.2 , but when i try to download it, it redirects me to 5.1.

     - this is already 2 weeks .... como onn... 

     Before you tell me that the link is working, please try it. 


    thank you

  • Hi Adrian_Opera_1,


    I'm really sorry you are having this problem. The good news is I believe you are running into a similar problem another forum user ran into -- see https://community.dev.hpe.com/t5/Vertica-Forum/Unable-to-download/m-p/233184#M10891.


    Could you please PM me the email address associated with your my.vertica login and I'll be able to help you resolve the problem.


    Let me know if you have any other questions.




  • Hi!


    Not a big deal, just FYI.

    Package vertica_7.2.1-1_amd64.deb violates the quality standards:

    * control-file-has-bad-permissions conffiles 0664 != 0644
    * control-file-has-bad-owner conffiles release/dev != root/root
    * control-file-has-bad-owner postinst release/dev != root/root
    * control-file-has-bad-owner postrm release/dev != root/root
    * control-file-has-bad-owner preinst release/dev != root/root
    * control-file-has-bad-owner prerm release/dev != root/root
    * maintainer-name-missing <release@vertica.com>
    * wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid etc/ 1016/200
    * control-interpreter-without-depends control/rules #!/usr/bin/make

    My OS:

    Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
    Release:    14.04
    Codename:    trusty

  • Hello sKwa,


    Thanks for your report about the package "quality standards". I'm intrested in learning more about how you conducted this evaluation, and in understanding the specific issues you've referenced. To start with, can you please tell me which files in the .deb package are associated with the problems you listed in your previous post?




    (I work for HPE)

  • Hi!


    Im too pendantic, i just checked a package with lintian.




    Lintian is a helper tool used in conjunction with dpkg, the Debian package management system. It checks Debian software packages for common inconsistencies and errors. As of Mar. 16th 2012, the latest version complies to Debian standards version 3.9.3.


    As I wrote - not a big deal.

  • How about letting us know this new version will render existing backups obsolete? Also, that a new directory structure will be used?  


    https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.2.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/AdministratorsGuide/BackupRestore/BackupDirectoryStructureAndContents.htm  -- page does not exist. Found on https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.2.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/AdministratorsGuide/BackupRestore/CreatingTheConfigurationFile.htm


    Common HP.



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