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Kafka scheduler is running and working, but produce errors — Vertica Forum

Kafka scheduler is running and working, but produce errors

At the time when I run /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig launch i get such warning:



Unable to determine hostname, defaulting to 'unknown' in scheduler history


But the scheduler continues working fine and consuming messages from Kafka. What does it means? 


The next strange thing is thet I find next records in /home/dbadmin/events/dbLog (I think it is Kafka consumer log file):




%3|14470569%3|1446726706.945|FAIL|vertica#consumer-1| localhost:4083/bootstrap: Failed to connect to broker at [localhost]:4083: Connection refused
%3|1446726706.945|ERROR|vertica#consumer-1| localhost:4083/bootstrap: Failed to connect to broker at [localhost]:4083: Connection refused
%3|1446726610.267|ERROR|vertica#consumer-1| 1/1 brokers are down



As I mention, the scheduler is finally starting, but this records periodicaly appear in logs. What is this localhost:4083? Normally my broker runs on 9092 port on separate server which is described in kafka_config.kafka_scheduler table.


Please advise, thanks.

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