rpm fails - vertica-7.2.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

Logged in as root (single node cluster). While attempting to upgrade Vertica community edition from 7.1.1 to 7.2.0 , I get the following error.


[root@localhost Downloads]# rpm -Uvh ./vertica-7.2.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
 dialog is needed by vertica-7.2.0-0.x86_64


Current installed version verified as:


[root@localhost Downloads]#  rpm -qa | grep vertica


All databases have previously been stopped.


Any suggestions? Is there a new set of rpms that need to be checked and installed in advance?



  • Hi,


    The error clearly shows there is dialog utility missing.


    dialog utility is a dependency for Admintools Vertica tool for admin purpose.

    Please check if your host has this installed.



    rpm -qa | grep dialog

    If not, you can install it using yum.


    Let us know how it goes.


  • Thank you. That worked.


    yum install dialog


    rpm -qa | grep dialog

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