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Change VMART database Password — Vertica Forum

Change VMART database Password


I wonder how can i changed VMART database password. Will be helpful if anyone can provide command for changing VMART database passsword.




  • The database password is the dbadmin user password. If you want to change the database password you just can


    ALTER USER dbadmin IDENTIFIED BY 'password' REPLACE 'old-password'


    Hope this helps



  • In order to use that command, I first need to get login inside vsql which i am not been able to. The another option for changing vsql password were going  through admintool ----configuration menu -- edit authentication but my problem is after going inside CONFIGURATION MENU --- edith authentication is not displayed. Also restarted the database tried following above steps but even that did not work.


    Please let me know what could be the other option in order to change the database base password ??





  • Since Vertica 7 the authentication is in the catalog so that workaroudn wont work.


    It is not possible to change the password without "hacking" the catalog. If you are enterprise customer I recommend you to open a support ticket.


    If you can recreate the database for future reference I will recommend you to add the TRUST LOCAL authentication to the dbadmin user. With this authentication you can login from the host server without entring password.


    This is how you do it :


    create authentication trust_local METHOD 'trust' local;

    grant authentication trust_local to dbadmin;


    Hope this helps,



  • No I have installed hp vertica under vmware for test purpose. Its not enterprise one just for self practice. Besides inorder to type the vsql command which you have provided me for that first of all i need to login to vsql right ? but my problem is i could not login to vsql its because i forgot the password for login to vsql database.


    This is how you do it :


    create authentication trust_local METHOD 'trust' local;

    grant authentication trust_local to dbadmin;

  • What I said is that it won't be possible to do it without the assistance of Tech Support to hack the catalog. The effort is too big for the sample database.


    My recommendation is to create the database again and as soon as you have it do the command that I provide so in the FUTURE you don't run with this issue again.


    Does make sense?


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