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Instance type selecting — Vertica Forum

Instance type selecting

Hello everyone.


I need help regard selecting instance type for hp vertica cluster on aws.


Which instance type if good for vertica cluster on aws ? Memory or Compute optimized?


If memory optimized than i need reason why memory optimized or Compute optimized.




  • Please review the HP Vertica on Amazon Web Services Guide.


    HP Vertica supports a range of Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance types, each optimized for different purposes.

    Sizing an instance involves estimating the hardware requirements for optimal HP Vertica performance in a typical scenario. Hewlett Packard recommends using its AMI with the instance type optimized for your requirements
    Compute optimized instances employ high performance CPUs for calculation intensive applications.
    Memory optimized configured for memory intensive applications such as in-memory analytics, and enterprise level collaborative applications.
    Storage optimized use solid-state drives (SSD) for rapid read and write performance.


    Also, check out this blog post by Localytics.

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