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Slow performance for COPY LOCAL command, it uses only one machine in the cluster! — Vertica Forum

Slow performance for COPY LOCAL command, it uses only one machine in the cluster!



I am copying data, from local 1000 files with total size about 1.7 GB, to a three-nodes Vertica cluster. I use this command:



COPY toy_edge from LOCAL '/home/dbadmin/toyGraph*'  DELIMITER ' ';

I created the database on all nodes using :



admintools -t create_db -s ip1,ip2,ip3 -d graphDB


The process took long time. It is been almost 1 hour and the data is not loaded yet. Moreover, I noticed that only machine ip1 is busy (CPU=100%), the other two machines are idle. 


Kindly note that the file exist on the machine ip1, however, I expected vertica to transfer some data to be stored to other machines as well.








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