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Getting “LDAP authentication failed” when connecting to Vertica via JDBC — Vertica Forum

Getting “LDAP authentication failed” when connecting to Vertica via JDBC

I'm trying to connect to a Vertica 7.1.1 database using DBeaver. I've downloaded the 7.1.2 JDBC driver (I couldn't find a 7.1.1 driver available for download) and configured DBeaver to use it.


When I try to connect via DBeaver I get this:



SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: [Vertica][VJDBC](3846)
FATAL: LDAP authentication failed for user "my_username"



If I try connecting with an invalid username, I get a different error message:



SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: [Vertica][VJDBC](3781)
FATAL: Invalid username or password



This confirms that I am reaching Vertica fine, but something is going wrong when I try to authenticate with my correct username.


I am able to connect to Vertica from the same host via vsql without issue.


I came across this post, which suggested that a Vertica setting may be the issue. However, we already have TLS_REQCERT allow set, as that post recommended.


What could be the issue here? Why would vsql work, but DBeaver not work from the same host?


(FYI: I originally asked this question on Stack Exchange.)


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator




       Can you check if user exists in all LDAP directories? Can you share me the output of 


    select * from client_auth;




  • Hey Sruthi,


    Here is the output from that query. I redacted some information that appeared to be sensitive. Let me know if you need it.


    => select * from client_auth;
    auth_oid | auth_name | is_auth_enabled | auth_host_type | auth_host_address | auth_method | auth_parameters | auth_priority
    54043195528839980 | tldap | True | HOST | | LDAP | host=ldap://REDACTED.ADDRESS/dc=,dc=;cn=;,ou= | 0
    54043195531012096 | ldap | True | HOSTSSL | | LDAP | host=ldap://REDACTED.ADDRESS, starttls=hard, basedn=dc=na,dc=RDCTS,dc=net, binddn=CN=redactedvertica,OU=3 Batch Service Accounts,OU=Batch Service Accounts,OU=MFG_Applications,DC=na,DC=RDCTS,DC=net, bind_password=REDACTED_PASSWORD, search_attribute=sAMAccountName, tls_reqcert=allow, tls_cadir=/etc/pki/tls/certs | 0
    54043195531012100 | ldap_local | True | LOCAL | | LDAP | host=ldap://REDACTED.ADDRESS, starttls=hard, basedn=dc=na,dc=RDCTS,dc=net, binddn=CN=redactedvertica,OU=3 Batch Service Accounts,OU=Batch Service Accounts,OU=MFG_Applications,DC=na,DC=RDCTS,DC=net, bind_password=REDACTED_PASSWORD, search_attribute=sAMAccountName, tls_reqcert=allow, tls_cadir=/etc/pki/tls/certs | 1
    (3 rows)


    Does this information shed any light on the problem?


    > Can you check if user exists in all LDAP directories?


    How would I do this?



  • Would you like me to open a formal support ticket (if that's possible)? I'm ready to take any extra steps to get to a resolution.

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator



        Yes. I would suggest you to open a formal support ticket. It would be much easier




  • Sruthi,


    I am working on getting our support account setup so I can open a format support ticket.


    In the meantime, is there anything more you can suggest I do? Any revelations from the information I posted earlier?

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator



      Can you check if user exists in Active LDAP Directory??



  • Yes, the user exists. I checked by running the following command at the command prompt:


    ldapsearch -xLLL -H ldap://na.mmfg.net -D "my_user" -W -b "dc=na,dc=dc,dc=net" '(&(samAccountName=my_user))'

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