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Installing ODBC Loader on Vertica — Vertica Forum

Installing ODBC Loader on Vertica

I am trying to install the ODBC Loader on Vertica


so first I downloaded the unixODBC from here




I was successfully able to do, .configure, make and sudo make install. I can see that files like libodbc.so are created in /usr/lib and usr/local/lib


next I download the ODBC Loader package from here




Here also I did


cd odbc_loader_package




I can see a file called ./build/ODBCLoader.so. I copied this directory into ./ddl folder


Now I launched vsql as verticadba and executed the .\ddl\install.sql


but I get this error


vsql:install.sql:3: ROLLBACK 2175:  An error occurred when loading library file on node v_ddcanalytics_node0003, message:
Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeCheckLibrary(): Error calling setupExecContext() in User Defined Object [] at [/scratch_a/release/24526/vbuild/vertica/OSS/UDxFence/vertica-udx-C++.cpp:204], error code: 0, message: Error happened in dlopen(): [libodbc.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]
vsql:install.sql:4: ROLLBACK 3861: Library not found: ODBCLoaderLib
vsql:install.sql:5: ROLLBACK 3861: Library not found: ODBCLoaderLib

I googled and tried make things like


1. created a file under /etc/ld.so.config.d/odbc.conf

2. entered the lines /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib


2. modified the makefile of ODBCLoader to 


 $(CXX) $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $(SDK_HOME)/include/Vertica.cpp ODBCLoader.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lodbc -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib


but nothing works and I keep getting the same error again and again.


  • Hi!


    1. Post your Vertica version

    2. Post OS type (RHEL/Debian/whatever...) and version.


    libodbc.so - for development.


    From README:


    In order to compile the ODBC Loader, you will need the unixODBC development headers as well. Most Linux distributions package these separately, in a package named something like "unixodbc-dev" or "unixodbc-devel". You only need these installed on the machine you're using to compile the ODBC Loader.


    dev - for Debian like distributions

    devel - for RedHat like distributions

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