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Subquery error — Vertica Forum

Subquery error

Im getting an error when using a very complex query,

can some one give an example for this error.


ERROR 4197: NULL value found in a column used by a subquery
HINT: IN/ANY subqueries within another expression are not supported if any column values are NULL


  • Hi!


    daniel=> create table t1(x int);
    daniel=> copy t1 from stdin direct;
    Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
    End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
    >> 1
    >> 2
    >> 3
    >> \.
    daniel=> create table t2(x int);
    daniel=> copy t2 from stdin direct null as 'X';
    Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
    End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
    >> X
    >> 2
    >> 4
    >> \.
    daniel=> -- NO ERROR
    daniel=> SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (x IN (SELECT x FROM t2));
    (1 row)

    daniel=> -- ERROR
    daniel=> SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (x IN (SELECT x FROM t2) > 0);
    ERROR 4197:  NULL value found in a column used by a subquery
    HINT:  IN/ANY subqueries within another expression are not supported if any column values are NULL



    (x IN (SELECT x FROM t2)) => x IN (NULL, 2, 4)


    (x IN (SELECT x FROM t2) > 0) => for each value (NULL, 2, 4) > 0 - here is error


    what does it mean NULL > 0 ?

  • cidcid Vertica Customer

    I realize this has been posted many years ago, but I cannot find too many explanations on this issue (which I encountered as well, just posted the question),
    I have the same error with a CREATE statement.

    I find it strange though that something like:
    SELECT x FROM t2 WHERE x > 0;
    would work.

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