vertica place
Hello, I recently donwloaded an open data file published by the Italian National Institute of Statistics that contains the boundaries of specific areas of the italian territory (R08_11_WGS84.shp). The file format is WGS 84 UTM Zone 32n,
I created a table and loaded the .shp file into Vertica Place using the commands:
SELECT STV_ShpCreateTable (using parameters file='R08_11_WGS84.shp')
OVER() as R08_11_WGS84;
COPY R08_11_WGS84 WITH SOURCE STV_ShpSource(file='R08_11_WGS84.shp') PARSER STV_ShpParser();
I obtained the following:
POLYGON ((703245.802004 4968626.93873, .....802004 4968626.93873))
The result shoud be a geographical area represented by a polygon in WKT format, so (longitude latitude), should be:
POLYGON ((7.03245802004 49.6862693873, .....8.02004 49.6862693873))
Could anyone tell me what's wrong?
I tried COPY using SRID=4326 and also loading the ED50 version but without success.
Thanks in advance,
I found a solution for now, Vertica uses spatial reference system "WGS 84, Datum" which is represented by spatial reference id (SRID) "4326".
Dataset publised by Istat uses spatial reference system "WGS 84 UTM Zona 32n" (SRID=32632) so I needed to run the conversion using ogr2ogr tool:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" new_file.shp R08_11_WGS84.shp -s_srs EPSG:32632 -t_srs EPSG:4326
Now it seems to work properly.
PS. STV_ShpSource(file = 'R08_11_WGS84.shp', SRID=32632) doesn't work for me