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Cannot create Database Azure/Centos 7.0/Vertica 7.2.1 — Vertica Forum

Cannot create Database Azure/Centos 7.0/Vertica 7.2.1

I have installed vertica 7.1.2 on 3 VMs in Azure Cloud. The VMs are Centos 7 and I have installed Vertica 7.2.1.

I ahev used this document for the prerequisites. https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.2.x/HTML/index.htm#cshid=S0305


I have tried to create my first database and 

1) I get the error

    adminTools Last Chance Error Handler running...
raised error: <class 'ConfigParser.NoOptionError'>
error message: No option 'v_test_node0001' in section: 'Nodes'
trace file: /opt/vertica/log/adminTools.errors


2) When I fix this issue. I cannot still create a db


3) I can create a database locally


Can you help?





  • Currently, Azure is not one of our supported platforms for Vertica. However, we have put together a Best Practices document for users who may want to try Azure. You can find it here: https://community.dev.hpe.com/t5/Vertica-Knowledge-Base/Deploying-HPE-Vertica-Within-the-Microsoft-Azure-Cloud/ta-p/234246


    Take a look at this document and see whether these recommendations help--please do let us know how it goes and if you have any further questions.

  • HI there,


    I have followed the istructions there and afterwards posted the issue. It seems that something in the network is not working properly as I can create a db locally but not in all nodes. I currently have 3 nodes


    When trying to start the db and failing I see this in the vertica.log


    2016-01-25 15:07:36.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:37.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:38.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:39.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:40.000 DiskSpaceRefresher:0x7f90d0012f00 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:40.000 DiskSpaceRefresher:0x7f90d0012f00 [Util] <INFO> Task 'DiskSpaceRefresher' enabled
    2016-01-25 15:07:40.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:41.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:42.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:43.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:44.002 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:45.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:46.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:47.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:48.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:49.000 Timer Service:0x84d09c0 [Util] <INFO> Task 'FeatureUseLogger' enabled
    2016-01-25 15:07:49.000 Timer Service:0x84d09c0 [Util] <INFO> Task 'LicenseSizeAuditor' enabled
    2016-01-25 15:07:49.001 nameless:0x84c89e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node
    2016-01-25 15:07:50.000 DiskSpaceRefresher:0x7f90d00124e0 [Catalog] <INFO> getLocalStorageLocations: no local node

  • Hi,

       So, I'm the guy that did the testing, and wrote the Vertica on Azure document.  


    First question, when you installed Vertica, did you use the point to point flag?  Azure, like AWS, handles UDP traffic differently when going between nodes then a physical deployment.  I stumbled with this the first time I played with it as well.


    Next question, all your nodes are in a single Azure network, not the default one, correct?


    Finally, can you ping between nodes?  Do the nodes resolve to the correct IPs if you puing by host name?



  • Hi,


    I need some details on how to use point to point flag

    Please provide an example. Just to make sure I'm doing it right 


    The others are done

  • Hi,

        After installing the Vertica RPM on the first node, you need to run the /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica script. One of the options for this script is --point-to-point.  


    Documenation on this can be here - http://tinyurl.com/gvdbz5n


    Description of the option is:

    Configures spread to use direct point-to-point communication between all Vertica nodes. You should use this option if your nodes aren't located on the same subnet. You should also use this option for all virtual environment installations, regardless of whether the virtual servers are on the same subnet or not. The maximum number of spread daemons supported in point-to-point communication in Vertica 7.1 is 80. It is possible to have more than 80 nodes by using large cluster mode, which does not install a spread daemon on each node.



  • I meant if it is only like below or I need more arguments


     I will use this:


    /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts,, --rpm /tmp/vertica-7.2.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm --dba-user dbadmin --point-to-point


    Am I correct?

  • For an example, something like this (note, modify to make sure host names, and RPM file name are correct):


     /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts,, --rpm Vertica-7.2.0.RPM --dba-user dbadmin --point-to-point


    Depending on what you are doing you can also add things like accept the EULA, and set the license to Community Edition via the install script.



  • Yes, your command line looks great!



  • testing right now....



  • Test Succeeded!!!! I have now an official vertica install on Azure. 


    @Beth and Chris I also have one on Google cloud! So you have at elast one production db in each cloud!



    Christos Kotsidimos

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