Show all rows in query_events to non-superuser?

I am trying to use a non-superuser to gather information from the query_events system view.  Unfortunately, the user can only see events for itself.  I have seen suggestions that, for some system tables, one can create a view over the table using a super user, and then the non-superuser will be able to see all the rows in the new view that the superuser could see in the original data.  This doesn't appear to work for the query_events view - the non-superuser still sees only events that apply to it in the newly created view.  I have also tried granting direct permission to the v_internal tables that comprise the query_events view (dc_optimizer_events and dc_execution_engine_events) to the non-superuser, but I get an error returned from the grant statement (ROLLBACK 5266:  Unsupported access to virtual table).


Anyone have any other ideas for working around this problem?


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator



          What is the version of vertica you are using. 


    can you share me the output of select version()



  • 7.1.x.  Sorry - not in a place where I can issue query directly right now.  A coworker just forwarded me this note from the 7.2 release notes:




    The requirement for a specific user to view records in a query results table without granting the user the pseudosuperuser role has been resolved with the new System Monitor Role.


    So maybe we need to wait until we upgrade?

  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator




            Yes. You need to upgrade. It is fixed in Excavator (7.2.x)




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