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Vertica 7.2.1: admintools install_package fails without logs — Vertica Forum

Vertica 7.2.1: admintools install_package fails without logs

Hi, I've cloned https://github.com/vertica/Vertica-Extension-Packages to /opt/vertica/packages Executing 'admintools install_package' results in the below(sanitaized) output: [user@ip-VERTICA_HOST packages]$ admintools -t install_package -d DB_NAME -P strings_package -pPASSWORD Installing package strings_package... Failed to install package strings_package How can I get the reason for the failure (looking in the admintools.log is confusing, is this the only file to look in?) What can cause the installation to fail? Thanks in advance, Yarden


  •  You need to look for the  UDxFencedProcesses.log file 



    And also query the error_messages table for more clues:

      select * from error_messages where user_name='dbadmin' and error_level='ERROR' and message ilike '%udx%' order by 1 desc 
  • Hi Adrian,

    You should also know that the database was copied to a new location in the following order:

    1. vbr.py copy-cluster command from Vertica 6.1.0(on old hosting) to Vertica 6.1.3(AWS)
    2. Walked the upgrade path all the way to 7.2.1.
      • On each upgrade step, I've started the DB and ran simple query to test basic functionaly, wasn't aware about this group_concat function.

    Looking in the log file I've found:


    16:41:44.853 [C++-ip-HOST_IP-103979:0x437ef-21371]  0x7f1d23161700 UDx_ereport: Error happened in dlopen(): [/opt/vertica/packages/strings_package/lib/CompatLib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]

    From the error_messages table I'm getting the same error.

    Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeGetLibraryInfo(): Error calling setupExecContext() in User Defined
    Object [] at [/scratch_a/release/24526/vbuild/vertica/OSS/UDxFence/vertica-udx-C++.cpp:204], error code: 0, messa
    ge: Error happened in dlopen(): [/opt/vertica/packages/strings_package/lib/CompatLib.so: cannot open shared object
    file: No such file or directory]



    Tried to install compatlib_functions package but it also failed:


    06:58:14.995 [C++-ip-HOST_IP-103979:0x4dcfd-16064]  0x7f07fb721700 UDx_ereport: Error happened in dlopen(): [/data/vertica/sadw/v_sadw_node0001_catalog/lib/CompatLib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]



    There is no lib directory in the catalog dir.


    Why does strings_package requires a missing file? should I put the file there manually? from where?


    Thank you,


  • Hi again,

    I've just learned from a collegue that the group_concat (and another function) were written long time ago and has no relation to the Vertica-Extention_packages strings_package.


    Can I query the location of the libraries from the original Vertica cluster(we keep it running on the old hosting company's servers until we finish the migration).


    Is there any way for me to query Vertica for the location of the source code for the library?

  • I've dropped the manually install GroupConcat library and successfully installed the strings_package.


    Queries runs normally now :)


    Thank you Adrian!

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