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Vertica DB wont start — Vertica Forum

Vertica DB wont start

[dbadmin@node2 opt]$ admintools -t start_db -d VMart;
Info: no password specified, using none
Error: it appears as if the vertica process is stillrunning on the following hosts: []
please wait until the process exits before startingthe database.
[dbadmin@node2 opt]$


database is not starting , its a 3 nodes cluster , 3 VM on my laptop it was working before but probably didnt do a proper shutdown and now its failing to start , from admintools UI nothing happens when i try to start it . 



  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator




           Can you run ps -ef|grep vertica from all nodes and share me the output




     Are your ip address the same ? on your virtual hosts ?


    What does your logs say ?




    It might be very easy thing ! 95% of the times the logs will help you solve it.


     or wipeout all Vertica pids on all hosts

    ps -ef | grep vertica |grep -v grep |awk '{print "kill -9 "$2}'

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