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how to access a table containing . in its name — Vertica Forum

how to access a table containing . in its name

I have created a database schema as "mytest.us" and inside this schema, I have created a table "a.b.c".

When I do


select * from select * from "mytest.us"."a.b.c"; 
| mydata
2011 | test1
2010 | test1(2 rows)

but when I do


\\! $TARGET/sql -p $PGPORT -d $PGDBNAME -c "select * from "mytest.us"."a.b.c"";

sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file



  • Hi ,

    Its shell related  issue , try 


    \\! $TARGET/sql -p $PGPORT -d $PGDBNAME -c "select * from \"mytest.us\".\"a.b.c\"";


    Below work for me :

    [dbadmin@mydphdb0184 ~]$ echo "select * from \"mytest.us\".\"a.b.c\";"|vsql dbadmin
    (0 rows)

    [dbadmin@mydphdb0184 ~]$



    I hope you will find it useful.




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