vertica programming
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I have legacy program in C on oracle database which takes file pointers /c data structure to manipulate and load the output of the data into oracle . We now want to port to applications using vertica database . Our application layer is in .net . To manipulate large volume of data can the legacy c program be modified to run using vertica database or will C# based program be more easy to maintain .
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yeah i did create sample code using create library but felt it was bit cumbersome. Can we instead use C# /ODBC/ to do it like a normal c program?
My understending is that you like to run your program as it run today for Oracle , for that you can used ODBC and ADO.NET both are suported by Vertica .
Vertica extention ( SDK ) is less of what you needs
See some reference ODBC for
I hope you will find it useful