What is the query for changing memory on ETL POOL, BI POOL and AD HOC POOL ?
I need to change memory size for ETL POOL, BI POOL and AD HOC POOL to following. I wonder what is the query for changing memory size for following :-
1) Etlpool 60% 60%
2) Bipool 30 G 60G
3) Adhocpool 40% 40%
SELECT * FROM resource_pool_status LIMIT 2; ( Attached resource_pool.xls file for query output)
SELECT pool_name, memory_size_kb, queueing_threshold_kb FROM V_MONITOR.RESOURCE_POOL_STATUS w; (Attached etl_bi_adhoc_pool.xls file for query output where you can see ETL POOL, BI POOL and adhoc pool)
select * from users where user_name='admin'; (Attached output.xls file)
select * from resource_rejections; (Attached output.xls file)
select * from resource_queues; (Attached output.xls file)
You can use ALTER RESOURCE POOL for changing memory size. Please visit the below URL to see about usage of it
https://my.vertica.com/docs/7.1.x/HTML/index.htm#Authoring/SQLReferenceManual/Statements/ALTERRESOURCEPOOL.htm?Highlight=alter resource pool
Thank you,