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I want to save My R functions.... — Vertica Forum

I want to save My R functions....



I want to make vertica R packages..


so I download R packages...but I don't know how to save R ...


and I made functions but how can I saved it....


I really wonder...


help me...


  • Hi,


    Once you create your library function via Vertica API and create your R wrapper  function using the SQL create statment  , you no longer need your R code  available on your vertica server (so you can save it in your local svn or some other revision control system you have on your organization ) as vertica copy your code into  its internal directory where  ALL R functions are persist togtrher 


    I hope you will find it useful



  • Thanks eli_revach


    You mean ..


    first, I make R functions only one.


    second, create rlib using the SQL  only one


    that's right???


    So, I don't know create R functions, I opened vertica language pack(its R) 


    and write my functions


    and then,,,,I don't know next job...


    Have a nice day~~!!



    And I made R file in window


    use      save.image("file=abc.R")    <- R code


    then moved it on my server


    next I create rlib code


    ex) create library abcRlib as '/home/dbadmin/abc.R' language 'R';


    but vertica asked me "Attachments"


    Why....vertica reject me....


  • Hi ,
    Now i have different understanding on what you trying to achieve , it seems like you like to know how to deploy R function in Vertica and expose it as an UDX . If this is the case you case follow the attach url 





    I hope you will find it usefull



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