Question about sequence and position of node

- How can we know the sequence / position  of node ?

for example:  node 1,2,4,3  or  node 1,2,3,4  

(can i check it >> select * from nodes or check admintool.conf)


- Can we change that sequence/position ? (if it's an initial database and doesn't have a data)

for example: we have (node name) node 1,2,3,4  but i would like to change it to node 2,1,3,4 .



  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    Do you want to rename existing nodes??

  • No, I dont want to rename . 

     I want How can I know the ordering node in the cluster .



  • Hi


    As you mentioned in your post,


    1. select * from nodes


    2. /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf [NODES] section


    will give you the node number to IP mapping.


    Not really sure if this is what you are looking for? Please clarify if it isn't.




  • There is no order in your cluster ! 


      No node is more important then other, when you read the metadata from the nodes table is just taking the default ordering which is col1 asc.


     You can set your node order by using a different order by or what ever in your query to the nodes table. (but i don`t think this is what you are looking for!!!).


      If you are looking to have a main "initiator" node or put an order on the nodes who will get more hits (initial queryies), then you have to play around your load balancer or specifiy  the node when connecting to Vertica.


     There is no order unless you set one.


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