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Kafka not loading data for json input — Vertica Forum

Kafka not loading data for json input

I am trying to load json data using vkconfig but not able to do so . It just doesn't load the data into the target table. Don't see any error as well.  Here is what i did. 


-- create scheduler 


dbadmin> /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig scheduler --add --brokers --conf config.properties


Warning: no operator was given. Kafka Scheduler can only be used by dbadmin or the operator. Use "--edit" to add an operator to a created scheduler in the future.



## Since i am using dbadmin so i can ignore it. My config.properties file includes jdbc parameter and config-schema "test_kafka". There is no error regarding jdbc connection 


--create topic , i have topic named vert-test already created in kakfa broker


dbadmin> /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig topic --add --target public.tbl_kafka_test --topic vert-kafka --rejection-table public.tbl_rejection --parser KafkaJSONParser --conf config.properties


--  kafka-topic "vert-kafka" exists in kafka-broker


root>bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --topic vert-kafka --zookeeper


--The json input format I am trying to load 




-- Here is the kafka tables created inside schema "test_kafka"


dbadmin=> select * from test_kafka.kafka_scheduler;
scheduler_version | frame_duration | brokers | config_refresh_interval | resource_pool | new_topic_policy | eof_timeout_interval
v7.2.1 | 00:00:10 | | 00:05 | kafka_default_pool | FAIR |
(1 row)


dbadmin=> select * from test_kafka.kafka_targets;
target_schema | target_table | enabled | parser | rejection_table | parser_parameters | load_method | target_columns
public | tbl_kafka_test | t | KafkaJSONParser | public.tbl_rejection | | TRICKLE |
(1 row)


dbadmin=> select * from test_kafka.kafka_events;
event_time | log_level | location | batch_create | target_schema | target_table | message | exception
2016-04-07 09:59:12.641 | INFO | com.vertica.solutions.kafka.scheduler.LeaderSelector | | | | New leader registered for schema test_kafka. New ID: 0, new Host: |
2016-04-07 09:59:12.723 | INFO | com.vertica.solutions.kafka.scheduler.StreamCoordinator | | | | Received configuration details; frame duration: 10000, refresh interval 300000, eof timeout interval: 0, brokers (, resource pool: kafka_default_pool, new topic policy: FAIR |
2016-04-07 09:59:12.755 | INFO | com.vertica.solutions.kafka.scheduler.StreamCoordinator | | | | Received configuration details; planned concurrency: 2, max concurrency: 0, max execution parallelism: 32. Setting lane count: 2 |


transaction_id | batch_create | batch_start | batch_end | timeslice | target_schema | target_table | node_name | ktopic | kpartition | start_offset | end_offset | num_messages | la
st_duration | total_bytes | reason
54043195537683002 | 2016-04-07 09:59:32.985 | 2016-04-07 09:59:33.00887 | 2016-04-07 09:59:38.090145 | 00:00:09.792 | public | tbl_kafka_test | | vert-kafka | 0 | | -2 | 0 | 00:
00:05.033224 | 0 | END_OF_STREAM
54043195537683029 | 2016-04-07 09:59:52.983 | 2016-04-07 09:59:53.00676 | 2016-04-07 09:59:58.10941 | 00:00:09.796 | public | tbl_kafka_test | | vert-kafka | 0 | | -2 | 0 | 00:
00:05.053202 | 0 | END_OF_STREAM
54043195537683053 | 2016-04-07 10:00:12.992 | 2016-04-07 10:00:13.015495 | 2016-04-07 10:00:18.106753 | 00:00:09.787 | public | tbl_kafka_test | | vert-kafka | 0 | | -2 | 0 | 00:
00:05.039507 | 0 | END_OF_STREAM
54043195537683066 | 2016-04-07 10:00:22.995 | 2016-04-07 10:00:23.018065 | 2016-04-07 10:00:28.099939 | 00:00:09.784 | public | tbl_kafka_test | | vert-kafka | 0 | | -2 | 0 | 00:
00:05.036515 | 0 | END_OF_STREAM



The output table is flex table . There are no records inserted :


dbadmin=> select * from public.tbl_kafka_test;
__identity__ | __raw__
(0 rows)


What am i missing here ?











  • Changing the start offset value from -2 to 0 worked. Really worth testing the copy command from vertica log first. 

  • Hi!


    Hmmm, it's very strange, in my setup the -2 is perfectly work. Could you give more context, what's kafka and vertica version?

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