ROLLBACK 3399: vsql Create library failure in Udx Error
I am trying to create library in vsql as :
CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY MurmurHash3 AS '/home/dbadmin/MyUdx/MurmurHash3/build/';
Its giving the following error :
ROLLBACK 3399: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeGetLibraryManifest(): Exception calling getLibraryManifest() in User Defined Object [], message: std::bad_alloc
Anyone knows how to fix it?
Any solution for this?
@Learner55 ...Were you able to figure out a resolution for the problem you stated?
I'm trying to find solution for this. Anyone able to find one?
please try to increase the value of FencedUDxMemoryLimitMB using set_config_parameter and try creating library.