Execute multiple queries simultaneously on a single session


i noticed that JDBC Connection can execute only one statement in parallel. the second statement is executed once the first one ended.

i assume that the JDBC connection has a single session_id in Vertica, so my quetions are:


1. is it possible in Vertica to execute multiple queries on a single session in parallel?

2. can there be a situation in which the SESSIONS table contains several transaction per one session?





  • neo_i_am_the_oneneo_i_am_the_one Community Edition User

    Hi Asher,

    Were you able to solve this question?


  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    @neo_i_am_the_one: There is possibility of having several transactions per session. However they are executed in sequential fashion. Could you please share me your use case details?

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