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Using COPY to load avro data to Vertica table — Vertica Forum

Using COPY to load avro data to Vertica table

I am using the below command to load the table 'test_table' in vertica. I am using DBVisualizer to run this satatement.  


COPY test_table FROM LOCAL '/Users/jsonencode/Downloads/part-r-00000.avro' PARSER favroparser(flatten_records=true,flatten_maps=true,flatten_arrays=true);


Sample row from avro file :

{u'Id': u'0123BHYSI', u'Name': u'eCommerce'}
When I execute this command, it runs successfully without any error BUT does not load the table with the data. 
Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated. 



  • I am also facing the same issue . 

    No copy is in progress is the message what i get .




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