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management console and email notification during the change of the node state — Vertica Forum

management console and email notification during the change of the node state

Hi all,


I'm trying to configure email notification and so far I'm able to send or get the notification in case of changes in Node Disk Usage  or Node CPU but wjen I try to configure Node State Change it's not working.


Always when I change the Alert Priority to Priority 1 (overview & email), apply the change, go for example to the home page and then back to the settings site, the priority changes/returns to Priority 2. Please see the file attached


Do I need to set something yet in this case (as mentioned above other email notifications are working as expected)





  • Hi Kondor,


    There is an 'Apply' button in the upper right that should save your settings. Are you pressing it after you make your changes?



  • Hi Chris,


    I'm using apply button in the corner :) As I wrote I'm able to set for the other records the email notification, and even when I close or change the location in the manager console and return back to the treshold settings I can see the email and the prio, but not for the change status node (It change always to prio 2 and the email disappears) :(

  • Hi Kondor, 


    Apologies for my misunderstanding. I do see now that you mentioned it. I just tried this and was able to reproduce this in our latest build.

    Whether not allowing nodestate change emails is intentional or not, it looks like there is a bug either way, so I will go and file that issue for us so we can take care of this. 

    In the meantime, I will go see if there's a workaround and will try to let you know later today. 



  • thanks Chris,


    In the meantime, despite the missing (visually) email notification in status change node, I've noticed that it seems to work more or less.


    After the reboot of server I became a few mails with the notification of the node status, but I don't really know how reliable it is :) because it seems not always to work (yesterday 3 of my nodes was down and I became no mail at all).


    Maybe it is just some side effect of my "tests" today


    Let me know if you find some fix/workaround for this




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