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Partition reorganize percent stuck on 99 — Vertica Forum

Partition reorganize percent stuck on 99

Hi all,


I ran partition on one of the tables that we have (10TB) with reorganize command in the end.

And when I'm checking the PARTITION_STATUS table I can see that the partition_reorganize_percent stuck on 99% for almost 6 days (other table of 26TB finished after 2 days).


There is nothing in PARTITION_REORGANIZE_ERRORS table.

And on PARTITIONS table I can see that on this table there is one partition on each node on _b0 that the projection_key has NULL.


Chan anynoe help?





  • ftobinftobin Vertica Customer

    This is happening to us now, and is causing operational issues. If there is any way to cancel the reorganization that would be helpful so we can try another approach.

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