Vertica Function
New to vertica... could someone help...
How to create a function that can return the result set of query to a function? Document says, you can only return simple types.
My problem: I have written a complex set of queries ( 200 lines) that produces a max value. I want to expose this as function to python or users and Not give him 200 lines of code to be executed, how to achieve this?
PS: this is not a java function, pure Vertica sql 200 lines of queries within queries that produces a result. I want to wrap it up as function or procedure.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "Schema1"."getMax"(snapShot TimestampTz, pTime Integer)
RETURN Varchar(?)
RETURN ( SELECT max(column1) from ( select abc from table 2) )
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "Schema1"."getMax"(snapShot TimestampTz, pTime Integer)
RETURN Varchar(?)
q1 = SELECT max(column1) from ( select abc from table 2) );
RETURN ( execute(q1) )