Kafka not consuming messages
I've run the following steps, but there is no data in my target table, or error in the log:
/opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig scheduler --add —-username dbadmin —-password pass
CREATE FLEX TABLE public.kafka_tgt();
/opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig topic --add --target public.kafka_tgt --rejection-table public.kafka_rej --topic testiaTest --num-partitions 1 --username dbadmin --password pass
/opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig kafka-cluster --add --brokers (IP HERE):9092 --cluster K_cluster_1 --username dbadmin --password pass
/opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig launch --conf /home/dbadmin/config.properties
Any ideas how to debug this?
I've been able to consume messages from that endpoint and topic from another system, so I know that's working. Do I need to tell Vertica to start from the beginning of the topic?
We've just encountered the same problem with Vertica 8.0.1 against Kafka 0.8 and we've tried against Kafka 0.9 and it seems to be working.