DROP TABLE trigger continuously - How to identify ?

Hello Everyone

From Vertica end, I see following DROP_TABLE being trigger continuously. From the statment my guess is tableau might be making temporary tables which is DROP TABLE statement. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong ? But my main concern here since query is getting TRIGGER continusouly and because of this CPU usage has bome high. I wonder how can i do the exact finding for this and solve this ASAP other wise this might impact to ETL job as well due to slow performance. Please help how am i gonna stop the below mentioned query which i am getting continuously. PLEASE HELP.


user_name |  transaction_id   | S_ID |                            query                            | MemoyInGB | RD_MS |         start_timestamp


prodbi   | 54043195541574153 |    1 | DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv3_12869_0x1cc2b2_1_connec |           |    14 | 2016-08-25 11:05:23.207804+05:45

prodbi   | 58546795179695979 |    1 | DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv4_9695_0x1cfee6_1_connect |           |    21 | 2016-08-25 11:05:20.584767+05:45

prodbi   | 58546795179695900 |    1 | DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv4_9695_0x1cfea4_1_connect |           |    10 | 2016-08-25 11:01:43.714954+05:45

prodbi   | 45035996303476306 |    1 | DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1c93e4_1_connect |           |     7 | 2016-08-25 10:59:35.907801+05:45

prodbi   | 54043195541574037 |    1 | DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv3_12869_0x1cc252_1_connec |           |    17 | 2016-08-25 10:59:18.727299+05:45

prodbi   | 45035996303476282 |    1 | DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1c93dc_1_connect |           |    60 |


2016-08-25 14:31:43.541 Init Session:0x7f1fdc012a70-a0000001c6595a [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: a0000001c6595a 'DROP TABLE "_t
ableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1cca79_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:31:43.558 Init Session:0x7f1fdc012a70-a0000001c6595a [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: a0000001c6595a 'DRO
P TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1cca79_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:35:56.383 DistCall Dispatch:0x7f1fbc00ee50-e000000106c6d0 [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: e000000106c6d0
 'DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv5_13596_0x2423ea_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:37:04.211 Init Session:0x7f1fdc03e030 [Session] <INFO> [PQuery] TX:0(vertica-srv1-6454:0x1ccbb0) DROP TABLE
 "_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1ccbb0_1_connect" CASCADE
2016-08-25 14:37:04.212 Init Session:0x7f1fdc03e030 [Session] <INFO> [PQuery] TX:0(vertica-srv1-6454:0x1ccbb0) DROP TABLE
 "_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1ccbb0_1_connect" CASCADE
2016-08-25 14:37:04.213 Init Session:0x7f1fdc03e030 [Session] <INFO> [Query] TX:0(vertica-srv1-6454:0x1ccbb0) DROP TABLE
"_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1ccbb0_1_connect" CASCADE
2016-08-25 14:37:04.250 Init Session:0x7f1fdc03e030-a0000001c65a15 [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: a0000001c65a15 'DROP TABLE "_t
ableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1ccbb0_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:37:04.264 Init Session:0x7f1fdc03e030-a0000001c65a15 [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: a0000001c65a15 'DRO
P TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv1_6454_0x1ccbb0_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:38:56.541 DistCall Dispatch:0x7f1fbc002a60-d00000016c8564 [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: d00000016c8564
 'DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv4_9695_0x1d3421_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:41:42.664 DistCall Dispatch:0x7f1fbc01d0d0-d00000016c85ff [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: d00000016c85ff
 'DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv4_9695_0x1d379f_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:42:29.596 DistCall Dispatch:0x7f1fbc00d750-e000000106c77f [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: e000000106c77f
 'DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv5_13596_0x242453_1_connect" CASCADE'
2016-08-25 14:42:38.048 DistCall Dispatch:0x7f1fbc013800-e000000106c78d [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: e000000106c78d
 'DROP TABLE "_tableau_0_vertica_srv5_13596_0x242419_1_connect" CASCADE'

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