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ERROR 5156: Unavailabler: initiator locks for query - Locking failure: Timed out X locking — Vertica Forum

ERROR 5156: Unavailabler: initiator locks for query - Locking failure: Timed out X locking

I get ERROR : 5156  while triggering below mentioned query 
aqua=> DELETE FROM public.customer_dimension WHERE where cell_id=0
ERROR 5156: Unavailabler: initiator locks for query - Locking failure: Timed out X locking Table:ncell.CUSTOMER_DIMENSION. X held by [user ncellah (delete from ncell.access_dimension where cell_id=0). Your current transaction isolation level i s READ COMMITED
I following this link as well LOCK
BUT My question here is what is the steps if i wanted to UNLOCK  and trigger following query succesffuly
DELETE FROM public.customer_dimension WHERE where cell_id=0


  •  Identify the session that has a lock on the  table and take action kill it,let it finish,identify the bottleneck.


    See lock


    select * from locks:


    To monitor oll your sessions:

    - this will generate the kill syntax as well


    ,'SELECT CLOSE_SESSION(''' || session_id || ''');' AS CloseSession
    ,(GETDATE() - statement_start)::INTERVAL AS current_statement_duration
    ,REGEXP_REPLACE(current_statement,'[\r\n\t]',' ') AS current_statement
    ,GETDATE() AS Today
    FROM v_monitor.sessions
    ORDER BY current_statement_duration DESC

  • Thanks Adrian. Thanks a lot

  •  This you got it fixed ? if so mark as fixed 

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