spread client Saw membership message 8192 on V: <database_name>
In our production vertica cluster (3 nodes), one node has been crashing (not the same node) for 3 times this week.
I didn't find no error in /var/log*.log files.
Our cluster is installed on AWS. It's version is : v7.1.1.
2016-10-22 13:22:11.003 LGELaggingCheck:0x7f508c013b30-c0000000e27980 [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: c0000000e27980 'Recovery: Get last good epoch'
2016-10-22 13:22:11.007 LGELaggingCheck:0x7f508c013b30-c0000000e27980 [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: c0000000e27980 'Recovery: Get last good epoch'
2016-10-22 13:22:11.007 LGELaggingCheck:0x7f508c013b30 [Txn] <INFO> Commit Complete: Txn: c0000000e27980 at epoch 0x2590c6
2016-10-22 13:22:11.008 LGELaggingCheck:0x7f508c013b30-c0000000e27981 [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: c0000000e27981 'Check LGE'
2016-10-22 13:22:11.008 LGELaggingCheck:0x7f508c013b30-c0000000e27981 [Txn] <INFO> Rollback Txn: c0000000e27981 'Check LGE'
2016-10-22 13:22:11.008 LGELaggingCheck:0x7f508c013b30 [Util] <INFO> Task 'LGELaggingCheck' enabled
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on V:xxxxx
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:all
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:join
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 6144 on V:officedw
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> NETWORK change with 1 VS sets
2016-10-22 13:22:27.450 Spread Client:0x8d5a1a0 [Comms] <INFO> DB Group changed
2016-10-21 03:12:47.079 Init Session:0x7f35a4015860 <FATAL> @v_xxxx_node0003:
{SessionRun} 57V03/5785: Cluster Status Request by
HINT: Cluster State: xxxx
UP: 3 of 3 (v_xxxx_node0001, v_xxxx_node0002, v_xxxx_node0003)
LOCATION: initSession, /scratch_a/release/30493/vbuild/vertica/Session/ClientSession.cpp:436
2016-10-21 03:13:02.585 Init Session:0x7f35a4012c40 <LOG> @v_xxxx_node0003: 00000/2705: Connection received: host= port=54405 (connCnt 3)
2016-10-21 03:13:02.585 Init Session:0x7f35a4012c40 <LOG> @v_xxxx_node0003: 00000/4540: Received SSL negotiation startup packet
2016-10-21 03:13:02.585 Init Session:0x7f35a4012c40 <LOG> @v_xxxx_node0003: 00000/4691: Sending SSL negotiation response 'N'
2016-10-21 03:13:02.586 Init Session:0x7f35a4012c40 <FATAL> @v_xxxx_node0003: {SessionRun}
57V03/5785: Cluster Status Request by
HINT: Cluster State: xxxx
UP: 3 of 3 (v_xxxx_node0001, v_xxxx_node0002, v_xxxx_node0003)
LOCATION: initSession, /scratch_a/release/30493/vbuild/vertica/Session/ClientSession.cpp:436
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on V:xxxx
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:all
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:join
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 6144 on V:xxxx
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> NETWORK change with 1 VS sets
2016-10-21 03:13:16.260 Spread Client:0x8f5a940 [Comms] <INFO> DB Group changed
2016-10-18 15:23:21.170 Init Session:0x7f46ec019690-b000000196f6a4 [Txn] <INFO> Starting Commit: Txn: b000000196f6a4 ' select count(node_name) as 'Low' FROM (select node_name, round(used_bytes_end_value*100.00/(used_bytes_end_value+free_bytes_end_value), 2.0) as val_used from v_internal.dc_storage_info_by_minute where time > sysdate() - interval '1 min' and filesystem = 'vertica' order by node_name) as disk_use WHERE disk_use.val_used > (select current_value from configuration_parameters where parameter_name = 'LowDiskSpaceWarningPct')'
2016-10-18 15:23:21.172 Init Session:0x7f46ec019690 [Txn] <INFO> Commit Complete: Txn: b000000196f6a4 at epoch 0x24d6df
2016-10-18 15:23:21.175 Init Session:0x7f46ec019690 [Session] <INFO> [PQuery] TX:0(verticanode2-8536:0x93a86) select CONCAT (cast(count(node_name) as varchar(12)), ' Nodes') as 'Total' from v_internal.dc_storage_info_by_minute where time > sysdate() - interval '1 min' and filesystem = 'vertica'
2016-10-18 15:23:21.176 Init Session:0x7f46ec019690 [Session] <INFO> [Query] TX:0(verticanode2-8536:0x93a86) select CONCAT (cast(count(node_name) as varchar(12)), ' Nodes') as 'Total' from v_internal.dc_storage_info_by_minute where time > sysdate() - interval '1 min' and filesystem = 'vertica'
2016-10-18 15:23:21.180 Init Session:0x7f46ec019690-b000000196f6b9 [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: b000000196f6b9 ' select CONCAT (cast(count(node_name) as varchar(12)), ' Nodes') as 'Total' from v_internal.dc_storage_info_by_minute where time > sysdate() - interval '1 min' and filesystem = 'vertica''
2016-10-18 15:23:21.465 Init Session:0x7f46ec013ac0-b000000196f6b7 [EE] <INFO> SortManager found maxMerges 7 too small(0 MB Assigned).
2016-10-18 15:23:21.465 Init Session:0x7f46ec013ac0-b000000196f6b7 [EE] <INFO> After disabling optimization, maxMerges becomes 7.
2016-10-18 15:23:29.001 ManageEpochs:0x7f46d0014d90 [Util] <INFO> Task 'ManageEpochs' enabled
2016-10-18 15:23:29.002 AnalyzeRowCount:0x7f46d0013be0 [Util] <INFO> Task 'AnalyzeRowCount' enabled
2016-10-18 15:23:38.238 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on V:xxxx
2016-10-18 15:23:38.238 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-18 15:23:38.238 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:all
2016-10-18 15:23:38.238 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-18 15:23:38.238 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:join
2016-10-18 15:23:38.238 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-10-18 15:23:38.253 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 6144 on xxxx
2016-10-18 15:23:38.253 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> NETWORK change with 1 VS sets
2016-10-18 15:23:38.253 Spread Client:0x9694f80 [Comms] <INFO> DB Group changed
Has someone any idea?
Thank you,
I found:
Network related vertica outage
Question: How can we determine if the cause of a vertica outage was network related?
Answer: The following types of messages are seen in the vertica.log if there were network related problems
2016-01-18 10:35:29.903 Spread Client:0x1238ac00 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on V:drdata
2016-01-18 10:35:29.903 Spread Client:0x1238ac00 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-01-18 10:35:29.904 Spread Client:0x1238ac00 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:all
2016-01-18 10:35:29.904 Spread Client:0x1238ac00 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2016-01-18 10:35:29.904 Spread Client:0x1238ac00 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 8192 on Vertica:join
2016-01-18 10:35:29.904 Spread Client:0x1238ac00 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
The solution was the machines restart.