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Vertica upgrade failed on RHEL 6.8 — Vertica Forum

Vertica upgrade failed on RHEL 6.8

Hello Team,


Vertica rpm upgrade from 7.0 to vertica-7.1.2 failed with the following error


vertica  exists, stop vertica and run upgrade

Stopping ovc .......

Stopping Vertica Database.....

Upgrading Vertica from 7.0 to 7.1 .....

Vertica rpm upgrade failed. Error code : 2


Vertica rpm upgrade failed from 7.0 to 7.1. and also noticed that installed rpm  package of vertica on the node is  vertica-7.1.2-0.x86_64.


It seems to be the Vertica Version 7.0 installer introduces platform verification tests that prevent the install/upgrade from continuing if the platform requirements are not met by the system.


Does vertica-7.1.2 supported with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.8 (Santiago) on the node? Please clarify


Thanks in Advance!




  • Hi, 


    vertica does not check if you are installing it in a supported platform, this may be different issue, You can find more details in /opt/vertica/log/install.log. I have seen this error in the past with wrong folder permissions. 


    Hope this helps, 



  • 1) yum install dialog


    2) Check documentation and prerequisites here


  • Hello Eugenia, Ckotsidimos,


    Thanks for your prompt response and sharing the manual. I will ask the customer to install the dialog utility and check.  From the manual, i can see the supported platforms are



    Supported Operating Systems


    Vertica Analytic Database 7.1.x runs on the following 64-bit operating systems on x86_x64 architecture:

    •Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x* and 6.0 up to and including 6.7


    It doesnt include Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.8 (Santiago).


     it seems to be RHEL 6.8 not supported yet. Please confirm.




  • Hi Justin,


    I have made installation on Centos 7 for this edition, but yes that should be a problem. You can lways go to Vertica 8.0 which is the latest


    But forst try the dialog, as it was not present in previous installations

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