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Vertica 8.0.1 too much log — Vertica Forum

Vertica 8.0.1 too much log

We are using vertica 8.0.1. We noticed that now INFO is enabled as default. We got several hundred MB log every day. We did
/opt/vertica/bin/adminTools -t logrotate -d ourdatabase -r daily -k 3 -s 10
But it still do daily rotate daily, with hundreds of MB. We are hoping to have log size under 10M.
We also did following, but did not reduce much logs. Is any way to limit the vertica.log to a very small size?
su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -w dbadmin -c \"select clear_debug_log('TXN','INFO')\""
su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -w dbadmin -c \"select clear_debug_log('SESSION','INFO')\""
su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -w dbadmin -c \"select clear_debug_log('UTIL','INFO')\""
su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -w dbadmin -c \"select clear_debug_log('EE','INFO')\""
su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -w dbadmin -c \"select clear_debug_log('COMMAND','INFO')\""
su dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -w dbadmin -c \"alter database ourdatabase SET EnableDataCollector = 0\""



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Administrator

    Hi Zeng,

    INFO and WARNING messages are always enabled in Vertica by default and this is NOT new in 8.0.1 .
    You have disabled log messages and also disabled data collecotor which will make it very dificult to debug an issue, if you run into one.
    Your login shows up as employee so you can get help from Vertica support and If you have concern about specific message.

  • Skamat, Could you please let me know how to disable log messages? I already disabled data collector. If you can give me some name inside HPE to contact, that will be great. I am the only Zengfa within HPE.

  • @Skamat Could you please give me a vertica engineer name, or have them to talk with me?

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Administrator

    I will recommend not disabling vertica loging as it is required to debug. Can i know why you would like to disable logging ?

  • We saw about 300M+ log per day. Even with daily logrotate of 7 days, it will be more than 1G, even 1G. It occupied too much disk space. We want to limit total log files under 50M.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Administrator

    What is the capacilty of your disk ? 1GB is very small for one week.

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