Memory pool warning: static OPT::Plan* OPT::OptimizerInterface:


We're seeing these on our logs quite a bit:

[Basics] MemoryPool static OPT::Plan* OPT::OptimizerInterface::makePlan(CAT::VQuery*, OPT::OptimizerConfig&) is using more memory than allowed.

I've been trying to find reference to this warning message, but was unable to discover much about it.

Does anyone have an idea where I can learn more about this?




  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Administrator

    This error is seen when Vertica optimizer needs more than 100MB to plan a query. Max memory allowed for a planning a query is controled by configuration parameter MaxOptMemMB. You can increase it by using set_config_parameter API .

    MaxOptMemMB- Maximum amount of memory used by the Optimizer; Increasing this value may help with 'Optimizer memory use exceeds allowed limit' errors (MB)

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