Cannot create database - Vertica 8.1 - resource limits

Good morning,

I'm trying to create a new database using HP Vertica 8.1 Community Version on a Virtual Machine with Ubuntu 14.04. I've already created a cluster with a single node, but when I try to create a new database, I get the following message:

Info: no password specified, using none Database with 1 or 2 nodes cannot be k-safe and it may lose data if it crashes Distributing changes to cluster. Creating database mydatabase Starting bootstrap node v_mydatabase_node0001 (XXX.XX.X.XX) Error: Failed to load the startup information from the bootstrap node. Hint: Are your resource limits for new processes correct?

When I run ulimit -n I get 2046. I haven't been able to increase this limit and I only have 8GB of memory available.

If anyone knows how to fix this, I would highly appreciate any help.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Administrator

    Did you install Vertica with --failure-threshold NONE ? Can you paste list of Prerequisites that were not fully met during install ?

    In interactive mode, the vertica.log directory sticks around until you press to acknowledge the failure . You may find some more info on actual failure over there .

  • I have setup 2 node cluster on MC 9.3.1.
    when tried to create Database getting this error "are your resources limits for new processes".
    Appreciate help on this.

  • @LakshmiNarayan said:
    I have setup 2 node cluster on MC 9.3.1.
    when tried to create Database getting this error "are your resources limits for new processes".
    Appreciate help on this.

    @LakshmiNarayan said:
    I have setup 2 node cluster on MC 9.3.1.
    when tried to create Database getting this error "are your resources limits for new processes".
    Appreciate help on this.

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Hi, you can fix this by editing /etc/security/limits.conf on all nodes and add the following near the end (the End of file comment should exist, just add the 4 lines starting from Added by Vertica):

    # Added by Vertica
    * - as unlimited
    * hard nofile 65536
    * soft nofile 65536
    # End of file

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