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ERROR 3399: Failure in UDx RPC call Invoke Destroy UDX(): UDx side process has exited abnormally — Vertica Forum

ERROR 3399: Failure in UDx RPC call Invoke Destroy UDX(): UDx side process has exited abnormally

when i copy table from hdfs in vsql, i get this error, how to solve it?please help me, thank u very much;
vertica version is 7.2.3-9


  • 1、用curl去测试下webhdfs是不是可以正常访问

  • Hi Simon,

    I can help you with this issue. Have you checked all the three points you mentioned in the comment? For 3, you should check UDxFencedUDxFencedProcesses.logProcesses.log instead.

    PS: It will be better if you comment in English instead so more of Vertica engineers can understand and help.


  • Hi xiaowei_zhu,

    Thank u for your advice.
    So this is one of our client's case.
    We have checked first 2 point. first, curl test is ok, we can get files from hdfs with curl.
    The problem is Kerberos Authentication on one node in the cluster, cause that node was shutdown unnormal few days ago and one of the Kerberos Authentication script on that node was not executed.
    At point 3, you mean $catalog/UDxLogs/UDxFencedProcesses.log this file? which part i shoud focus on this file? i have never watched this file before.

    Thanks for your help.

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