Data ingestion from MapR Streams to Vertica

Can Vertica get the data from MapR Streams using Vertica's kafka-related components directly ?

Thanks in advance?

Kaito Tonooka


  • twalltwall Employee

    Hi Kaito

    I don't think this will work. While there is some compatibility between kafka & mapr streams, Vertica uses the low-level kafka consumer C API, and that not supported by mapr streams according to

    Beyond that, I see there are some other differences in semantics, such as the way offsets are managed (mapr streams starts at 1 vs 0 in kafka) and the way security is done. Those may not be deal breakers for you, but those differences would probably break some scheduler use cases.


  • RaviRavi Employee

    Is there any plan to Test this or support this?

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