can not restore schema backup

Trying to restore a schema from a backup but getting the following error:

Objects to restore: rates.
Error: SQL command "select remove_database_snapshot('test_schema');" failed: ERROR 8094: Feature remove_database_snapshot unsupported in communal storage mode
Restore FAILED.

The backup was done with version v8.0.1-2.


  • skeswaniskeswani Employee

    I dont believe we support backup/restore in EON mode. backups dont quite make sense when running of S3 since the storage backend is the cheapest form of long term, redundant and HA storage that is available.

    can you elaborate your use case for me, are you trying to backup a database that is hosted of S3?

  • I was trying to restore from a schema backup from an on-prem vertica database to test . I'll figure out a different solution to get the data there for testing. Thank-you

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