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License expired — Vertica Forum

License expired

Can anyone tell me what was the impact of vertica license expiry on cluster :)


  • It is keep running until you cross grace period as well. As far as I know, once grace period is over, DB should not start once it goes down.

  • Hi Lokesh,

    Do you know how to tackle a problem when get_compliance_status() shows that everything is OK but still you receive error message "License issue: No Vertica license is installed" in error_messages table?

    I am running on v7.2.3.9

    Raghav Agrawal

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited July 2017

    From my experience, a database will come up (if it is down) even after the license has expired (including the grace period). However, they will get error messages indicating they need to get a new license when they attempt to issue DDL and DML against their data... Also, they will no longer be able to select, update, insert or delete data.


    I started a database I have where the license expired a while ago:

    dbadmin=> select now(), start_time from databases;
                  now              |          start_time
     2017-07-11 10:14:01.279826-04 | 2017-07-11 10:09:54.00764-04
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> select get_compliance_status();
     Raw Data Size: 0.00TB +/- 0.00TB
     License Size : 10.00TB
     Utilization  : 0%
     Audit Time   : 1999-12-31 19:00:00-05
     Compliance Status : The database is in compliance with respect to raw data size.
     License End Date: 2017-1-11
     Days Past Expiration: 180.38
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> select display_license();
     Hewlett-Packard Company
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> create table mytest (c1 int);
    WARNING 3863:  License issue: Vertica license is expired
    HINT:  Visit http://www.vertica.com/about/contact-us
    dbadmin=> insert into mytest values (1);
    ERROR 5517:  Your Vertica license is invalid or has expired
    HINT:  To obtain a license please visit http://www.vertica.com/about/contact-us
    dbadmin=> select * from mytest;
    ERROR 5517:  Your Vertica license is invalid or has expired
    HINT:  To obtain a license please visit http://www.vertica.com/about/contact-us

    Note that although I could create the table, but I could not insert into it or select from it.


    It states "After the grace period expires, Vertica stops processing queries."

  • @Jim_Knicely : Thanks for correcting me.

    @RaghavA : Best way to handle it, is to raise case with vertical support who should raise bug for same, if no explanation for it.

    Just for test purpose, could you try installing license one more time and check if same goes away?

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