Upgrade Vertica 8.1.1 on SUSE 11SP4 failed

Hi :)

During upgrade Vertica from 8.1.0 on SUSE 11 SP4 to 8.1.1, I found an error during install RPM file.

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
ERROR: This version of the operating system is not supported.
SUSE Version found: 11.4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4
error: %pre(vertica-8.1.1-0.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping vertica-8.1.1-0

However Vertica 8.1.0 could installed in SUSE 11 SP4.

Best regards,


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator
    edited August 2017


    According to the "Supported Operating Systems and Operating System Versions", SUSE 11.4 is not supported...


    The Vertica 8.1.1 RPM pre-install script has been updated to verify that the OS is a supported version. There are workarounds, but I would not recommend running Vertica on an unsupported OS for obvious reasons (i.e. it's unsupported).

  • DaveTDaveT Employee

    I think Vertica still only officially supports SLES 11.3 for 8.1.1 server. There has been a check added for both major and minor OS version now. So, prior to 8.1.1 there was only a check for major version and you could install SLES 11.4 but now you cannot.

    If you still want to install Vertica 8.1.1 on SLES 11.4 you can probably temporarily edit /etc/os-release to get around the problem. If temporarily changing /etc/os-release to show SLES 11.3 does not work you can try changing it to show SLES 12.2. When I tried to install several weeks ago I had to temporarily change /etc/os-release to show SLES 12.2 as it appears there was code added to prepare for the future. I don't know if that has been changed in the latest hotfix or not.

    If you choose to go this route I would make a copy of /etc/os-release before you change it and then replace the temporary copy with the original once the RPM gets installed.

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