Vertica VSql Client hangs


After restoring a database from a backup using vbr utility, when I start the database, queries fail to execute. The vertica log shows the query but it is not executed. Moreover, I cannot exit vsql or cancel the command and the cluster no longer accepts any queries.
I am not sure what went wrong since the restore completed successfully.
Any ideas how this can be fixed ?
The log:

2017-09-11 08:50:24.681 Init Session:0x7ff780011dc0 [Session] [Query] TX:0(******.-1964:0x19cc2) select 1;
2017-09-11 08:53:25.001 TM Mergeout(01):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e02 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e02 'Mergeout: Tuple Mover'
2017-09-11 08:53:27.257 TM Mergeout(01):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e02 [TM] Tuple Mover: nothing to merge out
2017-09-11 08:53:27.439 TM Mergeout(01):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e02 [TM] Tuple Mover: no DV to merge out
2017-09-11 08:53:27.439 TM Mergeout(01):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e02 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000e02 'Mergeout: Tuple Mover'
2017-09-11 08:53:27.517 TM Mergeout(01):0x7ff77807c620 [Util] Task 'TM Mergeout(01)' enabled
2017-09-11 08:53:50.001 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e03 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e03 'Mergeout: Tuple Mover'
2017-09-11 08:53:52.056 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e03 [TM] Tuple Mover: nothing to merge out
2017-09-11 08:53:52.219 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e03 [TM] Tuple Mover: no DV to merge out
2017-09-11 08:53:52.219 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e03 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000e03 'Mergeout: Tuple Mover'
2017-09-11 08:53:52.286 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e04 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e04 'collectMoveStorageJobs'
2017-09-11 08:53:52.467 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e04 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000e04 'collectMoveStorageJobs'
2017-09-11 08:53:52.472 TM Mergeout(00):0x7ff77807c620 [Util] Task 'TM Mergeout(00)' enabled
2017-09-11 08:54:11.008 TM Moveout:0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e05 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e05 'Moveout: Tuple Mover'
2017-09-11 08:54:11.008 TM Moveout:0x7ff77807c620-a0000000000e05 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000e05 'Moveout: Tuple Mover'
2017-09-11 08:54:11.009 TM Moveout:0x7ff77807c620 [Util] Task 'TM Moveout' enabled
2017-09-11 08:54:11.013 LGELaggingCheck:0x7ff778012ae0-a0000000000e06 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e06 'Recovery: Get last good epoch'
2017-09-11 08:54:11.104 LGELaggingCheck:0x7ff778012ae0-a0000000000e06 [Txn] Starting Commit: Txn: a0000000000e06 'Recovery: Get last good epoch'
2017-09-11 08:54:11.106 LGELaggingCheck:0x7ff778012ae0 [Txn] Commit Complete: Txn: a0000000000e06 at epoch 0x245ec
2017-09-11 08:54:11.106 LGELaggingCheck:0x7ff778012ae0-a0000000000e07 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e07 'Check LGE'
2017-09-11 08:54:11.106 LGELaggingCheck:0x7ff778012ae0-a0000000000e07 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000e07 'Check LGE'
2017-09-11 08:54:11.107 LGELaggingCheck:0x7ff778012ae0 [Util] Task 'LGELaggingCheck' enabled
2017-09-11 08:55:37.352 Init Session:0x7ff780011720 @v_mn_node0001: 00000/2705: Connection received: host=********** port=***** (connCnt 6)
2017-09-11 08:55:37.352 Init Session:0x7ff780011720 @v_mn_node0001: 00000/4540: Received SSL negotiation startup packet
2017-09-11 08:55:37.352 Init Session:0x7ff780011720 @v_mn_node0001: 00000/4691: Sending SSL negotiation response 'N'
2017-09-11 08:55:37.353 Init Session:0x7ff780011720 @v_mn_node0001: 00000/4686: Authentication - sendAuthRequest: user=**** database=** host=******** authType=3
2017-09-11 08:55:37.353 Init Session:0x7ff780011720-a0000000000e08 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000e08 'check_login_history'
2017-09-11 08:55:37.353 Init Session:0x7ff780011720-a0000000000e08 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000e08 'check_login_history'

Any help is appreciated. Thanks !


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator


    If you have support I would open a case ASAP!

    In the mean time, are all of the database nodes up?

    admintools -t list_allnodes

    What version of Vertica are you using?

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